Sara Haile elected to Edward A. Bouchet Honor Society

Congratulations to student Sara Haile, who has been elected to the inaugural class of the Johns Hopkins chapter of the Edward A. Bouchet Graduate Honor Society. The Society honors the legacy of Edward Bouchet, who in 1876 became the first African American to earn a doctorate at an American University.


Titan Krios arrives!

Our G3 Titan Krios transmission electron microscope was delivered on Nov. 3. The microscope will be assembled in the Beckman Center for Cryo-EM at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and will be equipped with a phase plate and G3 Gatan detector. See the web site for more details:

New Lab Member

Sara Haile receives HHMI Gilliam Felllowship

Student Sara Haile has been awarded a Gilliam Graduate Fellowship for Advanced Study from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Congratulations, Sara, on receiving this prestigious award!


Wolberger lab receives Addgene Blue Flame Badge

blue flame award badge

More than 100 requests for our plasmid expressing human E1 enzyme.


Welcome to new graduate student, Sara Haile

Sara Haile, a student in the Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology Program (BCMB) has joined the lab. Welcome, Sara!

New Lab Member

Congratulations to Evan Worden, recipient of Damon Runyon Fellowship Award

Postdoctoral fellow Evan Worden was awarded a Damon Runyon Fellowship. Congratulations, Evan!


Welcome to new postdoctoral fellow Evan Worden

Dr. Evan Worden comes to us from Berkeley, where he did his Ph.D. research with Dr. Andreas Martin.

New Lab Member

Welcome to new postdoctoral fellow Nik Hoffmann

Dr. Niklas Hoffmann comes to us from EMBL in Heidelberg, where he did his Ph.D. research with Dr. Christoph Mueller.

New Lab Member

Mel Nune receives NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Congratulations Mel!
